Privacy Policy

At CryptoTokenCreator, your privacy and the protection of your data is our top priority. We do not collect any personally identifiable data, and we only use information that is available publicly on the blockchain.


Whenever we request information that can be used to personally identify you, you will explicitly be asked to provide it and/or give us permission to use it. This information is requested by our system whenever confirmation of your permission is required to continue. We currently do not collect any such information.


You will always have the choice whether to give us permission to process your information or not. This extends to actions such as confirmation the transaction in your wallet.


We do not collect any form of personal identifiable information. We only request access to the connected wallet for the purpose of executing the transaction when requested. This information is not stored or tracked.

Retention of Information

We do not retain any additional information outside of what is publicly available on the blockchain. Your specific inputs are not tracked or stored.


We use the following sub-processors to provide our services, we explicitly request each of our sub-processors to not collect any information not necessary to the operation. However, check out their privacy policies as necessary.

Google Analytics & Crisp Chat.


We reserve the right to make changes to our privacy policy. When this happens, you will be notified when you next visit this website. If you do not agree with the new policy, you are free to withdraw your consent within the given time period.


If you have any questions about our privacy policy, have a comment about it, wish to talk about the enforcement of our policy or want to otherwise discuss our privacy policy, you may reach out to us via the contact page.